Congratulations...Your Divine Feminine Lunar Archetype is the SAGE!
The Sage is here to help you find more PURPOSE and WISDOM in your life.
If you feel confused, uncertain and distrusting of your ability to make decisions, the archetype can help you trust your own wisdom, simplify your life and begin to live a heart-centered life that contributes to your lasting legacy.
Feel into the archetype of the Sage, She Who Stands In The Fire.
Like all archetypes, she has both a light and a shadow side. We often think of the Sage, or Wise Woman, as a woman wise from years of experience and who doesn't give a damn about things superficial things. In her shadow, she is seen as fragile, silly, slow and fearful or incompetent in a fast paced world.
However, in ancient times, the gift of living a long life was revered and our elders were respected for their thoughtful wisdom...wisdom vetted through both loss and victory.
The Sage sees the value of both hard and easy times because she knows they all provide life experience that we can learn from...in her wisdom, she knows that life is never an EITHER/OR experience, but a BOTH/AND adventure.
Her capacity to create MEANING, VALUE COMPLETION and SEE LARGER PATTERNS are some of her amazing super powers...and this super power is exactly what is needed face BOTH the challenges of life AND celebrate the joy and victories that we inevitably face.
As we embrace her simplicity, wisdom and heart-knowing, we are able to confidently trust our own wisdom and create a life that leaves a legacy of purpose.
How confidently do you live your purpose and actively create your legacy?
Do you trust and value your inner wisdom and intuition?
Do you lead your life by feeling what is most resonate with your heart, or by mental analysis in your head?
If answering these questions makes you realize that you doubt you own inner wisdom, or feel lost in regards to your life purpose, reclaim your SAGE superpowers of PURPOSE, COMPLETION and TRUST and begin to reflect on your lived experience as wisdom to guide you on the next steps of creating your legacy.
The 3rd Quarter Moon is associated with the Sage archetype and it a wonderful time to HARVEST the blessings and wisdom of the moon cycle. During this time, create sacred space to slow down and reflect, revaluate and complete tasks that will lead you to your next steps. Complete what needs to be finished so you can begin the next moon cycle in emptiness.
Interested in learning how to
AWAKEN, ACTIVATE and DEEPEN more with The SAGE Archetype?
The SAGE Archetypal Embodiment Guide now on sale for just $11
(Regularly $33)
AWAKEN Her Archetypal Elements
Identify your gifts, shadows and challenges with the THE SAGE Archetypal Checklist. See how your archetype fits into the Moon Cycle Power Path.
ACTIVATE With Embodiment Practices
Create your own embodiment rituals and daily practices with the ideas and elements on the THE SAGE Archetypal Embodiment Resource List to create your own rituals, essential oils, sacred art and adorn your body with the energy of the archetypes as you...
Adorn your body as you dress each dayDecorate your altar or decorate your home or planner.Create sacred artDiffuse essential oils in your home, work space or carTreating yourself to a bouquet of flowers.Add herbs or food grade essential oils to your favorite drinks and food
DEEPEN Your Connection
Deepen mentally, emotionally and spiritually at her moon phase with THE SAGE Archetypal Poetry, Journal Questions & Audio Activation.
Now is the time to AWAKEN, ACTIVATE, and DEEPEN With Your Inner SAGE
AWAKEN, ACTIVATE and DEEPEN WithThe SAGE Archetypal Embodiment Kit Today for just $11 (Regularly $33)