You are one of the Sweet Body Types - either Thyroid or Pituitary
The Sweet body type can be Pituitary or Thyroid Body Type. These types usually tend to have sweet cravings. The Thyroid Type tends to wake up early, rarely sleeps in and feels best when getting to bed early. You tend to be tall and small boned, and if you gain weight, it is around the middle, a spare tire. When unbalanced your energy is up and down during the day, which can have a strong influence on your mood. Your energy often crashes mid afternoon. You crave sweets, carbs and coffee to spike your energy back up. You have nervous energy and your weak points are the nervous system and the digestive system, which go together as your anxiety and stress can wreak havoc on your digestion.The Pituitary Type gains weight all over the body, you have a young appearance. You are a morning person, up early. You tend to be introverted, a quiet, thinking type. Cravings include milk, ice cream, dairy, sugary sweets. You may be prone to ailments due to excess mucous because of the dairy, allergies, colds. sinusitis, and joint pain.Both types can easily lose weight, increase energy, feel more balanced and transform their health when eating right for their body type.