Your struggle to lose weight or maintain your weight loss is most likely related to an adaptive challenge.
Adaptive challenges are challenges that are the surface. Overcoming them requires personal growth and learning...adaptation. They require that we dig deep inside ourselves, address our habits, beliefs and values and often our deeper emotional and psychological issues. Everywhere we turn, we are bombarded with information about how to lose weight and keep it off and it's almost always about what "diet" to follow, how much protein, carbs, fats or calories we should eat, meal plans, etc. Those are the technical aspects of change and while those types of strategies are essential for weight loss, we won't be able to successfully implement them until we learn how to overcome our adaptive challenge. If our challenge is an adaptive one, no new "diet", meal plan or workout program is going to solve our problem. We cannot solve an adaptive challenge with a technical solution.At One Step Nutrition Coaching, we specialize in the psychology of behavior change. Using behavior change frameworks including motivational interviewing, self-determination theory and appreciative inquiry, we help you to identify and overcome your unique adaptive challenge so you can successfully implement the technical solutions that will enable you to achieve and maintain the success you want and deserve.