Your results
Your answers suggest that your pharyngeal area constricts during sleep and that is why you snore. In addition, you seem to have severe problems breathing through your nose.Your snoring can probably be traced back to the fact that the tissue of the lower pharyngeal area slackens and vibrates due to the airflow passing by. This is particularly happening when breathing in. The lung causes negative pressure in the airways; as a result, the airways are dragged inwards and partly deflate. In an extreme case, some parts of the airways which do not have supporting cartilages or bones, can completely collapse. This type of snoring can cause apneas or often leads to irregular breathing. It is therefore perceived as non-rhythmic snoring. Due to severe nose breathing problems, snoring is aggravated. We recommend you see an ENT physician in order to solve your breathing and snoring problems. Before recommending a certain product, it should be excluded that you suffer from sleep apnea.The physician should also check your nose. You might have enlarged nasal conchas, a deviated nasal septum or the like.Please note: The results of this test are no medical advice and they can not replace it. The test only serves to give you general information. Since the test indicates that you suffer from pathological snoring, e.g. snoring that involves restricted airflow or interrupted breathing, you should consult an ENT physician.