Not quite in Perimenopause
You might not be in Perimenopause quite yet. The good news for you is that all of your hormones still seem to be at optimal levels. Any symptoms that you are feeling may be due to your hormones simply being imbalanced, your minerals being too low, your gut health being off, your cortisol being too high, or lifestyle tweaks that you need to make. However, since you took this quiz in the first place, I have a feeling you might be closer than we think. The truth is, Perimenopause happens earlier than we've been led to believe and when it comes, it can hit hard! I think it is never too early to learn about Perimenopause so that you can start making changes to your lifestyle that not only will help you now, but will help you better respond to the hormone shifts when they happen. I'd love to invite you to my Free Perimenopause Masterclass to learn more...