Clairvoyance (Seeing)
You are a Clairvoyant—someone who receives intuitive messages through visuals, images, and symbols. You may see flashes of light, dream vividly, or “watch” mental scenes play out in your mind’s eye. This gift allows you to clearly envision possibilities and receive powerful guidance.To deepen your clairvoyant abilities, practice visualization exercises, journaling about your dreams, or meditating with your eyes closed. Trust the images and symbols that come to you—they are leading you to answers!How to practice?The "Picture This" Exercise.Sit quietly, close your eyes, and imagine an object—like a rose, candle, or apple. Focus on every detail: color, shape, texture, and light. The clearer you can “see” it in your mind’s eye, the stronger your clairvoyant muscle becomes. Over time, this exercise will sharpen your ability to receive visual messages from spirit and intuition.